Nutrition trends

On the horizon for 2023: at the heart of nutrition trends

Predicting nutrition trends in the years to come is not an exact science, and the last two years with the presence of COVID-19 have proven this. Who could have predicted that immunity would be so strongly in the spotlight? It is therefore difficult to be certain about what will be happening in the world of nutrition and health by 2023. However, given the direction taken in recent months, a global trend is emerging, that of positive nutrition. Let’s find out!


Nutrition trend No.1: going further in the nutritional improvement of foods


Gone are the days of guilt, of products full of artificial sweeteners, reduced in fat and sugar. On the contrary, the trend today is towards the positive, the better, the more. More protein, more unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, that’s what drives consumers.


The trend today is towards the positive, the better, the more.

Many product categories are already affected by this trend in nutrition. Among them, two outstanding examples:
Beverages: there has been a real boom in ready-to-drink beverages, which are increasingly healthy and rich in nutrients.
Healthy snacking: development of the range of protein-enriched on-the-go products.
For manufacturers, a major challenge: to offer healthier products that taste just as good!

Our commitment: to offer you ingredients that allow you to formulate hyper-protein and hyper-tasty products from our range of native proteins. Our proteins are derived from an innovative manufacturing process that preserves their nutritional properties.

Find out here how our ingredients can help you formulate a protein-rich chocolate for healthy snacking!




Nutritional trend No.2: making clean labels a must


Today, the clean label is a challenge for manufacturers. Tomorrow, clean label will be a prerequisite to maintaining consumer confidence and support.

Indeed, this trend is boosted by the access to information provided by food scanning applications. Today, 3 out of 5 consumers worldwide say they are interested in knowing more about the origin and production of their food [1].


Short and understandable ingredient lists, simple and natural ingredients, consumers’ expectations are high.

Short and understandable ingredient lists, simple and natural ingredients, consumers’ expectations are high. Driven by this demand, manufacturers will likely have no choice but to include the clean label as an obligation in their specifications.



Nutrition trend No.3: promoting a more sustainable diet


Beyond the health and clean label aspects, the term positive nutrition also encompasses environmental and ethical dimensions. Indeed, environmental concerns are becoming increasingly important in the minds of consumers. Many are looking for more sustainable food and expect a stronger commitment from companies.


Environmental concerns are becoming increasingly important in the minds of consumers.

Manufacturers will therefore be required to work even harder on:
Reducing the carbon impact of their products and activities
Local and ethical sourcing of their ingredients
• Improving animal welfare

Our commitment: our CSR approach integrates the three dimensions essential to the promotion of sustainable food:
• Responsible towards the planet
• Responsible nutrition and pleasures
• Responsible towards people.

Discover them in detail in our CSR report!


Nutrition trend No.4: exploring the world of biotics


There is no longer any doubt that consumers of the 2020s are informed consumers. They have mastered concepts in the world of nutrition that were previously reserved for an expert audience. The world of microbiota and biotics is a very good example. Microbiota, dysbiosis and probiotics are increasingly common terms.

As a result of this growing interest, there has been a boom in the number of functional food launches focused on digestive health. Moreover, the boundaries of the biotics universe are not likely to be reached any time soon. After prebiotics and probiotics, it is now the turn of postbiotics to attract attention. This creates new opportunities for manufacturers working in the fields of digestive health and immunity!

Finally, the existence of a link between the intestinal microbiota and certain chronic pathologies has been confirmed by several studies. In a few years, we may see the appearance of biotic therapies, preventive, or curative, aimed at diseases such as obesity, type II diabetes, or even cancer [2] !


[1] Innova Consumer Survey, 2020
[2] Oncobiome Project. Microbiota against cancer nternational research program, 2019

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